Saturday, April 12, 2014
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
From: Trevor
This exhibit shows multiplication and shapes. A person would have to stand in front of a camera and it would multiply your body to make the shape of a tree
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Exhibit 3
From: Trevor
I like this exhibit because it lets you put together different designs make a cool pattern, it uses lines and rotation to make an awesome design
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Sydney : harmony of spheres
show the ways things are connected.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Amanda Exhibit #3
Amanda's Exhibit #2
Amanda's exhibit #1
Tessellation Station- Elijah Guerrero
String Product- Elijah Guerrero
Human Tree by Zahin Tasmim
Copies of yourself Is made to form a human tree that moves as you move.
Coaster Rollers by Zahin Tasmim
Rolling over unusual circular shape to see if traveling was possible of other forms of shapes. It was fairly easy due to the shapes of the balls.
Square-Wheeled Trike. By Zahin Tasmim
Students took a wild yet exciting ride on a 3D circular ground. The tri-cycle had square wheels. The purpose.for.this.was to see if different shapes and objects make better wheels to travel on.rather than just a plan circle.
Mina's Exhibit # 3
This is called Tangrams. The object of this exhibit is to put together the shapes without them overlaping. The shapes consist of two large triangles, 1 median triangle, 2 small triangles, a small square, and a rhombus/parallelogram. The outcome of the shapes being put together without overlapping is a large square !
Mina's Exhibit # 2
This is the String product. What this exhibit is there were two machines with numbers from 1-10, and when you choose a number from both machine it multiplies the two numbers and the product of the two numbers lights up as seen in the picture above. So the PRODUCT of the two numbers makes the STRING to light up ... getting a String Product.
Mina Exhibit # 1
This is called Harmony of Spheres. It looks like its in a shape of a seashell. When touching a sphere it creates a sound. Since the spheres are all connected when touching a certain color sphere all of that color spheres makes a sound ... like a melody !
Ramneet Kaur & Nicholas Silva Project #2
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