Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ramneet Kaur & Nicholas Silva Project #3

You can take the shape apart & change it & it moves in a trajectory .

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Exhibit 1

From: Trevor 

This exhibit was so cool. It showed how the circumference of the diameter worked. You would have to pull yourself across a bunch of circles, and you think it would be bumpy but it isnt

Exhibit 2

From: Trevor 

This exhibit shows multiplication and shapes. A person would have to stand in front of a camera and it would multiply your body to make the shape of a tree

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Exhibit 3

From: Trevor 

I like this exhibit because it lets you put together different designs make a cool pattern, it uses lines and rotation to make an awesome design

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Sydney : show case

The display shows the different demensions of shapes.

Sydney : harmony of spheres

Touch one of the colorful spheres and a melody will okay. The spheres
show the ways things are connected.

Sydney : structure studios

There is a polystructure zometool building set for you to use and
assemble polyhedrons.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Amanda Exhibit #3

There were a bunch of different shapes and sizes on the bottom. Rhombus, pentagons, hexagons & funny shapes as well. Those shapes can be form into something cool or a figure. All of the same figures can fit together because all the same figures have the same sides & have the same shapes.

Amanda's Exhibit #2

i thought this one was cool because as you step on to the platform, and as you spread your arms, it forms a shape(s). for example pentagon. It makes you look like a human tree.

Amanda's exhibit #1

many people thought that circles were the only shape that had "constant diameter". They eventually found out that Reuleaux pentagon has them as well. Reuleaux pentagon is what makes the boat run smoothly and coming ack smoothly. Not only circles that has them, Reuleaux also.

Tessellation Station- Elijah Guerrero

This exhibit was my favorite. The goal was to use many different or the same shapes and combine them to create one giant shape or creation. There were simple shapes such as squares, triangles, and rhombi. There also were different shapes such as monkeys and dinosaurs. I enjoyed this exhibit the most because I had fun building different creations with the shapes. What I thought was cool was that you could keep on extending the size of your creation by adding more shapes to it. Elijah Guerrero

String Product- Elijah Guerrero

So this exhibit is a giant multiplying machine. There are two sets of buttons, each containing numbers 1-10. From one set you pick one number and from the other set you pick another number. You press both buttons and then you see a number light up. That number is the product of the two numbers you chose. The aim of this exhibit is multiplying. Elijah Guerrero

Gallery of Innovation- Elijah Guerrero

The goal is to try to fit the smaller shapes into the one large shape and based on the areas of the smaller shapes, you could determine the area of the one large shape. Elijah Guerrero
This was a game where you can build 3d figures with triangular prism blocks with magnets. In this picture I made my own creation where there's a patter between the ways I placed the blocks. -Daniel Manetta exhibit 3

This was called the wall of fire, where you put a 3d shape in between the laser light and made other shapes with it. In this picture I used a cylinder and made a rectangle inside of it. -Daniel Manetta exhibit 2

This was the square floor that had many activities to "step" on. This particular activity's objective was to never turn right and reach the finish line, which was quite impossible. - daniel manetta exhibit #1

Human Tree by Zahin Tasmim

Copies of yourself Is made to form a human tree that moves as you move. 


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Coaster Rollers by Zahin Tasmim

Rolling over unusual circular shape to see if traveling was possible of other forms of shapes. It was fairly easy due to the shapes of the balls.


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Square-Wheeled Trike. By Zahin Tasmim

Students took a wild yet exciting ride on a 3D circular ground. The tri-cycle had square wheels. The purpose.for.this.was to see if different shapes and objects make better wheels to travel on.rather than just a plan circle.  


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Mina's Exhibit # 3

This is called Tangrams. The object of this exhibit is to put together the shapes without them overlaping. The shapes consist of two large triangles, 1 median triangle, 2 small triangles, a small square, and a rhombus/parallelogram.  The outcome of the shapes being put together without overlapping is a large square !

Mina's Exhibit # 2

This is the String product. What this exhibit is there were two machines with numbers from 1-10, and when you choose a number from both machine it multiplies the two numbers and the product of the two numbers lights up as seen in the picture above. So the PRODUCT of the two numbers makes the STRING to light up ... getting a String Product.

Mina Exhibit # 1

This is called Harmony of Spheres.  It looks like its in a shape of a seashell. When touching a sphere it creates a sound. Since the spheres are all connected when touching a certain color sphere all of that color spheres makes a sound ... like a melody !

Ramneet Kaur & Nicholas Silva Project #2

This is a picture of Square-Wheel Trike , it can roll slowly, keeping the axle moving in a straight line at a constant velocity if it moves over evenly spaced bumps of just the correct shape, and this shape is called inverted catenary 😌.

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